Sunday, March 30, 2008

Is It Spring Break Yet?!

Wow.. Another crazy week! It seems like it's barely Monday, and the next thing I know, the weekend's here.. THANK GOODNESS! The kids at school have been so talkative- it about makes me crazy. I think we are all ready for Spring Break, which for our district doesn't come for another 2 weeks. I don't know who pays these people to do such dumb things to us, but we should probably rethink it. On Thursday, I got called into the principal's office (which is never good news.) She told me that there wasn't a 1st grade position for me next year, and I had til the next day to decide if I wanted to teach 2nd or 3rd. Both had their good and bad points, but if I chose 2nd, I would get to stay in the same room and not have to move to the trailer to teach. Plus, I would get to teach younger kids, some of which I am possibly teaching right now ( Not sure if that's good or bad!). So I decided to go with 2nd even though I know I might be moving again next year.. I hate being the new teacher! So for now that's the plan, with a possibility of 1st or maybe even Kindergarten.. which I would love, but would have to get my early childhood certificate. So anyway, I'll just have to wait and see and I hate that!

This morning I woke up to a good 3 inches of snow on the ground! Isn't it almost April? WHAT THE WORLD! I'm so ready for Spring!


Marleen said...

Spring HAS to be coming, right? Snowing like crazy here this morning.

I'm so proud of you sweetheart!

Love you

123123 said...

HOLA my favorite cousin in da whole world!! I love your new blog! Makes me so proud... *tear*

Did I read somethin about a move?? Like out of Provo, or just schools?
I don't know how you can teach such young kids... I tried nannying for a few months and couldn't do it!!

You go get em!! Love ya!

123123 said...

Oh yeah, PS
It was almost 70 here today... nice and sunny, slight breeze.

Sarah Bogh said...

Hey mel, not to rub it in but its supposed to be around 80 - 82 down here this weekend, want to come visit? :) sorry, i shouldn't do that to you utah igloo people. :) fun for you to be the lower person on the pole, i don't know how you teach little kids at all, i can handle primary and thats as far as i go. and i'm only the secretary so thats easy, hope you have a good spring break though - if it ever comes, i'm glad you are blogging so i can snoop. :)